This Morning's Realization


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

In preparing for my wedding, and moving from Illinois to Minnesota, I have been overwhelmed many times. As I was driving to get coffee before starting work this morning, I was listening to the local Christian talk radio station. Chuck Swindoll was giving an introduction to a sermon on Ephesians 1:15-19. He was speaking of the faith of the Ephesian church, how Paul was giving thanks for their faith. 

I turned off the radio as I drove under the overpass on the way to my house, and something clicked in my mind and heart, almost in surprise I exclaimed, 

"Lord, I've been leaning on my own understanding!" 

How often do I quote that verse from Proverbs, even while I am still leaning on my own understanding?

This is not just applicable in situations where I need to make a decision (as I so often treat it) rather it should affect the way that I view every situation in life.

The command from Philippians of, “Be anxious about nothing” goes hand in hand with this command to trust

In planning a wedding and wanting everything to go smoothly, and for people to be comfortable and to have fun, I am to trust in the Lord with all my heart. Leaning on Him with confidence that His Word will be taught, and His people will be able to fellowship with one another, and they do not need me to be accessible in order to have things go smoothly! 

In leaving my family, I am trusting in the Lord with all my heart. Leaning on Him to know that they are held in His faithful hands and that it does not mean that I love them any less for leaving them to be with my husband. 

In becoming a wife, I am to trust in the Lord with all my heart. Leaning on Him for strength to be the comfort, helper, and encouragement that I desire to be.

In becoming a daughter in law, I am to trust in the Lord with all my heart. Again, leaning hard on Him for strength to be the joy, the servant, and the blessing that I desire to be.

In moving from everything that I know, my friends and family, I am to trust in the Lord with all my heart. Leaning on Him for strength to be hospitable, caring, and seeking out new relationships in this new adventure of life!

None of these things are possible, much less for the glory of God, without the aid of His Holy Spirit.

The Proverbs 31 woman can laugh at the time to come because God is her helper, her shield, and her strength.

When my eyes are fixed on Him, and I am trusting in His sovereignty and the power of His Holy Spirit working in me to fulfill the good deeds that He has prepared for me to walk in, I can then have confidence, and be unafraid of what the future holds. 

I fall frequently into worrying and anxiousness, it can be easy to excuse, (in my flesh) - but,  oh, what a tragedy to trade the peace of the Living God, and seeking His face, for the mere facade of satisfaction and confidence in my broken self!

God, forgive my pride and self-dependence!

Turn my heart to you. Cast me upon the Rock of Ages, and hold me fast to you.

In and of myself, I am broken, helpless, lost - I need you, my Lord, my Strength!

Praise His name that when I am faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

As I turn my eyes off of worrying and fix my eyes on Him, He restores my joy and excitement for this incredible blessing and joy in my life, to become the wife of the man that I love, and to begin our life together, for His glory! Oh, what peace to rest in Him who has made us for Himself.

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”
― Augustine of Hippo, Confessions


  1. Proverbs 3:5,6 has been my life verse because it is applicable to everything in life. But many times I forget To do just what it says and I trust in myself, again! Such foolishness on my part! Why would I ever want to trust in myself when I have the One who has all the wisdom, power, ability, resources, goodness, compassion, love, and a plan already in place for my life to prosper me, to give me hope and a future-One who calls me to look to Him and cry out for His intervention for all things in my life Thanks for your beautiful reminder. ❤️


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