Christmas Wonderings for the Believer

"Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani" 
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Mark 15:34

Angels, maybe the same that heralded His birth, watched from afar. Were they pleading to be summoned to His aid? Did their hands tense over the hilt of their swords, muscles taut, ready to fall upon the enemies of their Lord? Could they even bear to look upon the willful desecration of the King of kings?

What was it like for the perfectly united trinity of the Godhead to pour out their wrath upon themselves?

Indeed, the suffering of the cross was much more than physical torture (though it most assuredly was that!) There was an imputation that occurred, the full wrath of God for the full weight of sin. I can't even wrap my mind around the agony that must have lead to that cry from our Lord. 

Then, he breathed and said, "It is finished." And He died. 

That is not what we expect! 

Did Mary know that He would rise again? Did she understand what her Son had just accomplished for her on the cross? Did the sword, of which Simeon had prophesied, pierce her heart at this time in a way that she had never experienced before?

The disciples, we know, were sore afraid as they watched their Teacher breath His last. In a way, was their fear similar to the shepherds who were, "sore afraid" at the heralding of the Savior's birth?

The joyful symphony of the angels harkening the birth of God Himself into humanity contrasts sharply with the clanging of Roman iron, hateful shouts, and pained, labored breathing. The sky that went black, the shaking of the earth. Creation harkened the death of its Creator. To find any similarity, other than a harkening of some kind, we move ahead several days. 

The shepherds were sore afraid because they knew not what message was to come when the angels first appeared. 

The disciples were sore afraid because they knew the Lord, and He had died, they knew not what was to come.

But then, the tomb, in which they had laid Jesus, was empty. How could this be? 

The Savior could not be held by death, His earthly mission accomplished, the Lord arose, and by His resurrection, making the way to raise His own to newness of life.

The shepherds rejoiced at the news of the One who had come, and joyfully hurried to worship Him.

The disciples rejoiced at His resurrection, having been known and found by the Lord, they worshipped! 

When we hear, from this side of history, the wonder of the humble birth, the agony of Calvary, and the glory of the risen Son, do we treat it as something we already know? Something that we must recall since we are christians? Something we have to read for the sake of tradition? Or are we compelled to worship? Do we rush to the manger, run to the empty tomb, shouting His praises with joy? 

I think, at times, the wonder of the miracle of salvation for helpless mankind from our marvelous Lord is lost upon me.

Oh, that I would see the stunning scandal of God in a manger, taking on the filth of humanity, that He might cleanse humanity by giving them Himself, 
the atrocity of Emmanuel, God with us, subjecting Himself to the rejection of created man,
and the glorious reality of the conquering One rising from the grave, sovereign over death itself.

Cause me to respond like the shepherds, having been found and heard the good news, to hasten to your feet and worship you! And, like the disciples, hearing of your resurrection, to make haste in joy to share the news with others, and to not be silenced by fear any longer for confidence and boldness of the Holy Spirit that you have put inside of your own! 

The humility 
The agony
The wonder

And now, you are at the right hand of the Father, in perfect unity again. Waiting for the day that you will return to earth, not as a suffering servant, but as a victorious King to claim your own. 

Oh, for that day to come - to be perfectly united with you, and to know so fully that it was all of you!

Come, Lord Jesus, come! 

Until you do, may I be found faithfully worshipping you and proclaiming your word. You are so glorious, Father, Savior, Helper - You deserve all the praise, the honor, and the glory, forever and ever.


  1. Wow sister! Awe-inspiring and beautifully described!
    I love the picture of running (full out with no reserve!) to the tomb!
    Let that be our hearts attitude when we come to our Lord. Full of hope, joy and complete worship!


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